Vende Se - (For Sale)
She is a dancer whose purpose is to raise environmental awareness about the Amazon rainforest. Each image has meaning, in this costume whose entire fabric here was found to consist of one (1) piece strategically placed tape precisely 1.5 inches wide (thanks to Matt from Animal Mind for this scientifically accurate measurement). The purpose of her dance and costume , during Brazilian Carnival.. is to raise... awareness.... about an area of the Brazilian rainforest being sold to developers. This is a new kind of costume to me but I think I am getting the message. After careful study , I have determined that Vende - Se means "For Sale" and not a place called "Vendese". The only question I have left, that I am of course carefully reviewing now... is the strategically placed piece of tape. Here's my question. How does she take it off? Will she do it slowly.. or will she just ... jerk it off... ? :-) (c/o Animal Mind )