Sæglópur - Sigur Rós


Laura said…
Just so you know, I’m not trying to get money out of you by telling you that. Just talking about what’s going on over here. I apply for different stuff, just trying to get a paycheck- I applied to Whole Foods for open Team Member positions and a week later I got an email saying they were moving forward with other candidates.
Laura said…
A friend kindly invited me to her house for Easter Sunday dinner with her family. I offered to bring dessert, and cake mix was on sale at the store last night. I also got a votive candle for $1.25 with The Virgin of Guadalupe and a nice prayer on it:

“Virgin of Guadalupe Prayer of Roses

Merciful Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, show clemency, love, and compassion to those who love you and search for your protection. May the sweet fragrance of roses reach your Divine Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, that he may hear our prayers, wipe our tears, and give us comfort and assistance. Amen”
Laura said…
Happy Easter, darling
I love you so much,
monster or no monster
Laura said…
At the park down the street, I found an abandoned bird nest that was about to fall out of a redbud tree- it’s so small. It might be a wren’s nest- the funniest, cutest, most stalwart little birds ever. Bird nests are fascinating and miraculous to me. This one was a tiny, cozy cup woven from dead Bermuda grass stems, and the lighter-colored stems had been used for the inner lining. The funny thing about it is that it was also made out of dog hair. White dog hairs pointed in all directions from it in a disheveled halo. I examined it and thought of all the dogs being taken for their walks and on outings every day at the park, and all the clumps of dog hair that must get left behind on the grass and walking paths every day, and how strong and resilient a building material dog hair is for a bird to use. One thing I particularly love is that the bristling dog hairs remind me of Charles Schulz pen lines, each dog hair drawn with a quick, short slash. I brought the nest home with me.