Thomas Mann's Letter to Dean
Thomas Mann responded to the Dean of a German university, in 1937 by letter- that was written in response having his honorary doctorate rescinded by a German university, since he lost German citizenship. Mann writes - " my work comes from a connection to my nation. it is for germany. that connection should not be sundered so easily" "the sole purpose of the national socialist state is this alone and can only be put to this: to put the german people in readiness for the "coming war" by ruthless repression, elimination, extirpation of every stirring of opposition; to make them an instrument of war, infinitely compliant, without a single critical thought, driving by a blind and fanatical ignorance." "that germany would not have any allies, not one - is a single consideration, but the smallest" " other nations treat us, as a nation as doctors treat a sick man - with utmost tact and caution, with inexhaustible if not very flattering p...