Hurrah for Healthcare Reform today wrote an interesting article called "Hurrah for Healthcare Reform". The premise of their article was a study on how healthcare reform closed various problems and issues with previous healthcare expenses on medicare. According to Fidelity Investments, Projected lifetime health care costs for people retiring at 65 in 2011 declined $20,000 thanks to the changes in Medicare driven by the health care reform law signed in 2010 (calcuated by the nation's largest provider of employee benefits).

The law was complex, and more about it is coming online. If you are curious which elements of the law went active recently (the law phases in over two years) go to and find out more.

Healthcare reform was a horse that was a long shot out of the gate, and smart money across the finish line. The more you find out about it, the more you're going to like it. 20,000.00 bucks in your pocket isn't such a bad start, is it?
