The Upcoming GOP Contribution to American Recovery

I guess, by now, if you're an independent as am I - you're probably wondering what the so-called conservatives are trying to do with their side of the bargain this upcoming election and recovery cycle.

After having run last year on the economy, and jobs - they've attempted, and failed to pass the "job killing bla bla bah blah economy destroying hey-look-at-me-I'm-on-TV" dead-on-arrival bill, and as a result. Jobs have rebounded and the economy is stronger. Of course, before the GOP took over , they were trying to shut down every legislative initiative on the hill. So the fact that a) the economy was actually recovering the entire time they were telling us it wasn't, and b)they broke it in the first place, and c) they did nothing to fix it and actually tried to stop the president from fixing it ... it should come as no surprise that the upcoming contribution from the GOP , to American recovery will be a shutdown of the American government.

Of course, this shutdown will be massively publicized by their pay-for-play news media entertainment channel. And it will be a great big media event, just like all the other events that they've been running at our expense ever since their leadership was taken over by hollywood back in the '80s.

But what will it mean? What kind of amazing savings and benefits will American reap from the latest daring GOP initiative. Well, unlike effectively deregulating the stock market and letting the foxes run the henhouse back in 2008 - where we harvested just amazing amounts of wonderful bankruptcy, financial ruin and the worst financial crash of living memory - we'll probably get some low key results this time. They've learned their lesson, after all, because even some of their own party recognized that the spending tab for all those past accomplishments amounted to the largest increase in federal spending in the history of the United States of America (a.k.a. why you should not be afraid of the TEA Party. they're you're friends. trust me on this point). So. Let's take a look at their big contribution:

  1. Hundreds of thousands Americans will lose their jobs. Of course, because this is the modern version , updated from the 2008 Bush Republican version, this will happen with , essentially no guarantee that anyone will receive back pay for days missed. If you work for any Agency, such as the EPA, you'll reap the benefit of unemployment. And just like Wisconsin, if you want to call foul - they'll say something about the budget and pretend that in order to have a balanced budget , you'll need to give up your basic rights to negotiate about it.
  2. Active Duty Military Paychecks will stop, after April. 8th. If you're fighting for our freedom, the GOP wants you to do it for free.
  3. E-Verify will shutdown. We use e-verify for hiring and background check. The data is reliable, and helps us to decide whether or not to hire. If we have someone we can't check out, we'll probably just delay hiring them. This should show up as a national trend; alot of companies do this - they'll just put off new hires for a while (watch the jobs number take a hit , as a result).
  4. The National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland - will shut down. All patient and clinical trials will abandoned and shut down. Speaking from experience, I can tell you that this will cause some trials to have to be restarted from zero - and it will cost millions.
  5. Toxic waste sites will go without cleanup, and get worse. And start glowing green. Any run-off, will have to be chased down an cleaned up later. At a greater cost. The bizarre weather patterns we've had over the past few years, will help along the natural process of running all these valuable rare earth compounds into a nice green sludge that might just visit an aquifer near you.
  6. 200,000 passports will be delayed. Costs like these don't register easily on anyone's rader- if you have to reschedule your flight to the Caribbean, you pay the difference and it comes straight out of your pocket. But it means big profits to the corporations who get more money out of you just for doing the same thing you've always done.

Who benefits? Well, Big Pharma benefits. Big Corporations benefit. And of course, the GOP gets a free paid vacation up there in DC. You can bet they're going to keep paying themselves a salary while all of this is going on.

Does anyone here think the GOP will actually stop paying themselves?
