A Venusian Proposal

Venus currently sports a 0.9g gravity field and an atmospheric column 90 times that of Earth. Here is an economical and realistic long timescale terraform.

0. Deflect an asteroid into orbit around Venus. (cost: the rocket pack and computer controller)

1. Deflect a comet to strike the planet's surface, on a timescale that will coincide with the end of the bioterraform. (see cost, 0)

2. Genetically engineer a blue-green algae that is hydrosulfuophyllic by basing it on vent life out of the deep pacific. modify the bloom color to white.

3. Seed the upper atomsphere with that algae.

4. Using Material from the Asteroid, 3D Print and Install a solar sail at a stationary point between venus and the sun, in synchronous orbit. Shield should allow for at min. a 10 percent shielding.

5. Farm an ice moon from the far outer system and deflect it into collision with Venus.

Once the cooling cycle begins, CO2 will be easier to sequester. The key to continuing the terraform is to then use the comet strikes to re introduce
water and increase tectonic activity. Finally, cap the supply with an ice moon collision. Let the planet recover from the impact.

Continued bio engineering of hyperthermophilic life should allow continued sequestration of CO2, significantly reducing the atmosphere.
The timescale for this operation would be approximately 300 to 500 years., with habitable environment occuring around 150 years into the terraform.
