Seven Years on the Snow

Turn at the top
your boards fly
body flat along the fall
knees tight

The mountain
always scares you
seven years on the snow
the town still looks like a toy
crafted into the hillside
like a model

And on you fly
skis together
the wind blasting
you land
you fall
you turn at the top
skis together
knees touch
the snow feels light

a small shout escapes your lungs
the pretty german girl smiles
as you fly by
a bunny on black
she's trying

And you are flying

mistakes have consequence
seven years on the snow
shouting at the top of your lungs

Do my eyes deceive
Listen to your heart
Listen to the trees

One day I was up there
and I saw a man turn around to look at his girlfriend
he hit a tree
C-4 parapalege

It feels good
You feel alive

And at the bottom of the run
A little boy named Joshua
holds up this many fingers (four)
and says he loves skiing
this was his first day
his brother and dad were up on the mountain
last year, but he was only this many fingers then (three)
and so this was his first time
and you smile
and give him your skis
you warn him
to take care of them
wax them, and keep the edges sharp

the expression in his eyes
speaks still to the part of me
that is alive
his mother tells him to say thank you sir
but by then our work
Joshua and I
is already done

And so shines a good deed
