Creep - Radiohead


Laura Palmer said…
Are you *trying* to get me to block/delete again?? GODDAMN your sick need to control and punish people you supposedly love m

You keep ignoring me or casting sideways insults at me, I don’t need to be in this little clubhouse.
Who cares said…
The way you promise to be there for me, then ignore me is bullshit and it isn’t funny. I don’t appreciate it. I’m not your fucking chew toy. Always with your fingers crossed behind your back, Snidely Whiplash. You say “Come here, I’m better now, trust me”, then pull this ignore-game again, and you wonder why I get angry with your shit? That’s when you might try the “But I’m only doing what a reptilian natural predator would do!” ploy. I thought that was improving. I don’t know what this is anymore. I know it looks like I’m enjoying myself over there, again- I feel more like a tic-tac-toe-playing chicken when you ignore me.

Why did you want me there?
Some woman said…
Sick of your thoughtless cruelty and power playing.

Tell your wife tonight to fuck you in the ass with large cactus, roughly. Then shove it down your throat. Take you down a couple notches for me.

Thanks for demonstrating how impossible it apparently is for you to not be a callous jackhole to me. Even in the smallest ways possible. Twisted fuck.