WTF is Wrong with YouTube?

Can anyone tell me what's going on with YouTube, these days? Almost every good music video is gone - and the ones that are left are locked in frame. Compared to YouTube of five years past, it's a nightmarish blend of really commercialized stuff that barely passes itself off as video. Searching through YouTube used to be very easy - you could find content by typing in elements of keywords, find what you needed and moved on.

Is there a replacement site for YouTube, that doesn't kao-tao to really stupid copyright laws? I'm at the point where I'm beginning to believe that YouTube is broken beyond repair. It's nearly impossible to find a decent clip that either doesn't have its embedding disabled, isn't pre-loaded with some lame 10 second commercial, or has had its audio track raked out of it by some lame record company somewhere.

First we see our government posting a 600% rise in the number of classified documents, declare an eternal war and grant themselves rights in perpetuity to spy on us, and then we see record companies start trying to convince us that they own what's inside our heads.

Does anyone know of a better YouTube anywhere?
