Three Things for Saturday
The first is to time things so that I can sprint to my car and get the bar of chocolate I have there. ... done. 12 seconds. got the ipod too. The second is to take a picture of the rose on my desk. Just below my monitor. Let la personne portugeuse just worry a bit while I have him on the bar. I am not cruel, mind you. Just dominant. I will win.
And it has the desired effect. He's second guessing himself now.. The third thing? (edits, uploads the picture, finishes the game) Win the game. . .
- Everything wraps - to borrow a term from my summer working for the film industry - at 4 pm ESDT. I plan on some serious play time tomorrow evening.
Six AM Sunrise Brick [Bike/Run]/ This will be likely my only training run for the entire Sept. 15th lead up so I have been trying my own new plan which is kind of what I would call an XP version , pairing strong runs and bikes with medium lead up/downs to base me up. I have to make a good number stick here. 20 mile/ six mile . 1:50 pace goal That will put me right on a sub 3 hour finish at that +bear+ of a course at Tugaloo. (tough bike!) ... you get off on the fear but you party on the deliverable... :)
I am ready enough.
I will post another brick number later, doing it after 5 today.
Thinking of D . maybe 10k 50k 10k
to blow the dust out and then wind down in the pool. This is +not+ the right way to do it but if you knew me you would know why... I will make it back alive and probably happy. Well alive.