A Short Poem About God and Love

God is not love
Love is not God

God is something that creates universes
and gives an encouraging word
to stars of all colors
not to die
and burn
all life

Love is a life affirming response
that creates human beings
and keeps dreamers dreaming
and workers working

And you
and me


Because without Love
one cannot live.

No Puede Vivar Sin Amar


- said…
Didn’t appreciate the Little Britain post either, back there. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt on that one, but it didn’t feel right. Thanks so very much. That was your amuse bouche before the Boeberting. Still hurts, but I’m sure you already know that- it was your point. Are you never quite satisfied with your ideal life at any given time unless you’re headfucking me somehow, or planning for the next round?
😶‍🌫️ said…
If you keep being just basically *mean* on the internet to someone you ‘love’, how can she stand you in person? You love to pretend you’re some sort of Chaotic Evil TricksterFuckster God, but you know damn well you’re a broken person who likes to hurt other people to make yourself feel better. Or feel *Something*. Did you box in so many unpleasant emotions that you can’t hardly feel anything anymore? Is that part of why you chase physical sensation and intense experiences so much? Again: I don’t have to stay there if you just want me there to ignore/fuck with. No. You probably have plenty of other people you’re treating like garbage, I’m sure. Is it because I know what you are, I get punished for it?