Stormy (Lost Pup 11/11/07)

The fact that this dog (by its teeth) is about six months old and has the basic commands of come/sit/stay directly imply a previous owner. Pup (I call her stormy short for Stormwind because she blew out of nowhere and is now wrecking everything) is also well taken care of, no fleas, immaculate coat. This dog looks like a pureblood but I am quite at a loss to say what breed.
I am getting an unreal number of hits on this blog; if anyone knows the breed of this dog (!) or, knows anyone who on Sun. 11/11/07, lost their dog at or around mile 1.3 on the silver comet rail trail at about 4 in the afternoon, please feel free to post a comment or tell your friends. I am going to take her to the vet to have her chip read. - Note: if no one claims this dog she's mine, she's the most lovable thing I have ever seen. And I am tired of my dog having a half-rottweiler for a girlfriend; she will be a great addition to my wolf pack. What kind of dog is this? Its not a pit bull, is it?
I promise I'll feed her.
She jumped out of the car with her brother . Her name was Lucy, and the other ones name is Lucky.
Someone found our flyer and called the person to come pick her up.
And her breed is actually .. i am embarassed to admit it.. a mutt.
I guess it shows I have a weakness for dogs of mixed breeding. She was just , the best disposition, friskiest little thing you've ever seen. Alot of pit bull in her, alot of retriever.
Her brother is still missing so if anyone sees him, please post here and I will get him home.