Rain Man

It was 4 am
I came down to feed you a fish
flounder, I think

You were scared
and your eyes were dilated
and your paws stepped hesitantly towards the plate
I let you eat

While you were snacking I cleaned the litterbox
smiling to myself that this was my day off
here is what I do

And noticing out of the corner of my eye
that you were still scared
for no reason

Then I moved your cage
and in a quiet spot , I saw you jump away
from the new home
and the new place
and the new smells
and I picked you up
and I held you until you purred
and then I sat there
with my head cocked to one side
seeing and not seeing
just petting your fur
definitely nice to pet your fur

Thinking about nothing at all
and finally realizing
happy just the same
