
I am just a worthless liar
I am just an imbecile.
I will only complicate you
Trust in me and fall as well
I will find the center in you
I will chew it up and leave
trust me

Pick me from the lava tube
take my body on the sand
cut the leash from my leg
put me in a body bag
I will tell you where to lay me
underneath the redwood tree
trust me

Suicide is not an option
Too many people want me dead
I won't do the job for them
I will run a marathon
Jesus blows his fucking whistle
Starting everyone on time
EPS One symbols
as we cross the finish line

These are the times that try mens souls
and the souls that time mens tries

They are Waiting in the river
Ripping their way from the beach
silent, still and even stronger
underwater , out of reach

teach your kids to swim across me
remind them to relax and breathe
give them the simple key
parallel to shore they're free

Lash the deadman's tiller
three times fast around the boom
never let the storm take you
never let the ocean win
drowning is the fate of mortals
who to hell, the gods would send

Scattering your final ashes
trampled underfoot to sea
Mother walks upon your body
taking you away from me
let the storm spin up on radar
let the signs from heaven send
I have this day lost my brother
I have this day lost my friend

The tears fall from her face
falling into salten sea
you died when you were only eighteen
death took you away from me

Let them not feed the undertow
one child more from this day
kill the old weak and sick
but let the children get away

With apologies to Tool. "Sober".


Anonymous said…
Your best work.
I struggle with
And against waves
I never made
To see my body washed up
Onto the sand...

Barely living,
And yet still strong.

Sand in my eyes.
Sand in my mouth.
Sand up my nose
And in my Elfen ears.

Sand washing across my body
Like an intimate liquid pumice
To softly scour me from my pain.

To debride
To recover health
Hurts so much
You almost don't want
To go on surviving,

But life offers
So much mystery & hope.

Even the saddest do struggle.
anonymous - do you mean horizontal, or vertical?

sheridanne - elves surf?