St Simons Island / Sea Island

The song that remains the same. Everyone has a place they come home to. I can hear the sound of children playing from the street. The waves. Its not quite California; I've long ago given up hope for four foot walls out here. Its ok. I guess its home.

Our next door neighbor named their little girl Rush. That is so cool, if you ask me. Its a great name.

There are little ones running around, playing in the front yard. A happy day. There will be a big party tomorrow night, everyone will come by. Its sort of a tradition. Naturally I'm in here hacking on code.

Last night I won an argument with my dad. It was easy. All I had to do was agree with him, repeatedly and right up front until he heard me. I think he was kind of in shock. Note to self: leverage the element of surprise.

Merry Christmas Everyone. =)


Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas
Emilly Orr said…

Could be worse. Could be Motorhead. :)
omg you would not believe how cute this little kid is. she got a trampoline and she jumped on it for +four+ hours.

she told me that her last name was her mothers maiden name. I asked, and her mom said "oh, its just because here on the island , there are alot of my family - so she has an issue with being called her fathers last name"

five and a half years old. lol

her sisters name is havens. and her little sisters name is sonny.

their cat is named skratchy kat ding dong.
