Old Haunts

I pulled in last night at two am in the morning. I normally head into town the boring way but this time I decided to go through the old city. By the police station and the dock. There is a new bridge up , and so deep keel sailboats were docked out there. The moss draped over the old oak trees. I was alone at night driving, the road was washed with that sodium arc lamp glow. Everything was quiet. - For the first time in forever, I turn towards my old school and park in the parking lot. Walk the grounds. Its just the same as it always was. The old bell in the center of the square - 1788. Oak trees. Spanish moss. Im westin nicht neuse.

It was still. The wind was blowing, just a little cold and just enough to make the leaves stir a bit. The moss every now and then a lifting off the branch and floating there. I made my way to the library where I spent so much time -in the center of the commons I stopped and read a monument that I had almost completely forgotten. Its about six feet high, marble, and it reads:

I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.
- William Penn, 1644-1718

:-) I'm the only person here. Stopping to look into the old classrooms. Finally walking across the street back to the car and then I stop in the middle of the street . At that moment the rain falls. I am standing there in the rain and for once my life becomes clear; and I am stronger than I was.

The next day after a good sleep I went into the village and picked up a book- The Black Swan - It looks good. The round of golf is set for tomorrow. I will meet my brother's friends, some for the first time. We will be a foursome, with my cousin, my uncle and my cousin's hubster. I have two really, really cool cousins and I love them both. I'm proud one of them's going to intern at Columbia University Hospital, the same school where Dr. Mehmet Oz teaches. The other, whose husband I will play with - won an olympic gold medal. I just want to touch it sometimes and feel it. I so admire them. He's a near-scratch golfer with a broken hand so we're thinking, 86. We'll have fun. And my uncle will have a bloody mary. Maybe two. >:-) breaking the girl
