
The day that my job will be about something other than putting out fires, I will be surprised. I would love to just power forward, in a routine, for this job, however, as CEO of a small company for 11 years - I am beginning to believe it will never happen.

One thing I am grateful for, is that management has been simplified in the past few days or so, so that I'm really way more accountable to the shareholders and the result metrics are going to be alot easier to deal with and essentially, own up to. I am not good with gray area or dotted line report charts. I like things to be either on my shoulders or a flat organization chart where we are all working together at which point I will take a role in the team and hold onto it tightly.

My main idea for this week, is to get everything done that I've been slacking off from Dec. 27th on and the three days or so before the 25th where my productivity just dropped to zero and I turned into an appetizers grazing machine.

One bright moment. Our next door neighbor on the island said at the Christmas Party, "hey we're going to give our kids a trampoline. Does anyone want to come over and help us put it together?". My uncle stands there and smiles and we walk to a corner and he said to me quietly... "If I were in that same position, I think I would just put it under the tree and then tell the kids ... "

"Hey kids, Look! Santa wants you to learn how to put together a trampoline!" lol

Ah. What a great holiday. Now its cold and icy. And the horse is cranky and I have tons of work to do. And I'm basically the only one really getting anything done. Which is great, because I can get around to some projects that have been essentially +blocked+ as a result of a management disagreement (ok, as the result of basically one person who decided that I wasn't supposed to be working on them.)

But... when the cat is away... the mice... work like hell and form a human chain to the pantry and start handing off cheese to each other like volunteers at a floridian hurricane rescue operation.

Play. Ha! Thats part of "free time". I have experienced "vacation" only recently. And I am still trying to figure it all out. This thing... you call .. "free time". You must tell me about this "free time" one day when we are meeting for some good reason to get something done.

News Flash: TBS Predicts Hillary Clinton will win the democratic nomination. Money back if not completely satisfied. Offer void in all states except Iowa. Prepare ye the way for the first female president of the United States of America. (Hint: its spelled "upgrade").


M@ said…
Hmmmm. You sound like the kind of guy who's got a copy of Blue Ocean Strategy on your bookshelf.

(I like the "flat" orgs w/ the 360 reviews, too.)