Bearer of Light

Light unborn
hitchhiked the way across the usa
plucked his eyebrows on the way
shaved her legs and

she drinks good coffee
every morning
that comes from a place
far away
and if he lives
till she can longer
climb his stair

he'll never get born
without you

bearer of light
bring to the world
laughter still ringing
in my ears
yes two forms of being

the smell of wet dogs and rotten garbage
nature was the static
human was the noise

and fooled the almighty father
to give his only begotten stone

fed to him by taking a part of yourself alone
moved into the center of our orbit of our eyes
your beautiful form and curving weight and thigh
the soft touch and the gentle dark heart

And one by one the stars went out
then all of us
yet unborn
heard the cry

Let there be light

and there was


Anonymous said…
that touched my heart - thank you :*