Sexo Y Lucia

In the darkness, near the shore - waves crashing towards the line between one world and another, two figures turn and dance.

There is a dim light that illuminates the form. A man, and a woman. They exchange only a few words. What do you do? One is an author. The other , a chef.

They return to their embrace. Soon after, the woman is giving birth. She will find the father of her child - the only clue - that he is in a certain city, and that his birthday falls upon a certain date. In her delivery is an expression of the power of life. Who is the father? She says that she doesn't know - but she will find him. And then she screams.

As the film opens, we seem to be a party to suicide. The police do not explain the nature of the death. The man is depressed, and the woman is trying to help him - but she fears she is too late. Unable to deal with the loss, this woman - not the same woman who gave birth - but another - returns to the island.

Her memory recounts a world of colors and shapes and sounds. A progression of sensation and contact a sense of connection. He has become. Prey.

And in the end , she captures him. Life. Loss. Love. Origin. Sexo y Lucia.

Ideas are powerful, they are part of origin. Like an island that can attract and harbor life - ideas can be exchanged between two people. They can grow. If I give you a dollar, I will have one less and you will have one more. But if I give you an idea, you have both ideas and I still have my own. By induction, this is a powerful means of communication and fair justification for the concept that being completely alone isn't always such a great idea. But taken on its own, the play of thought that becomes a self contained plan of action as well as mental image - should be one that is managed carefully. Ideas , as Kurzweil wrote - are powerful things.

The criticism that can be levelled at Sexo Y Lucia (Sex And Lucia, English Version) is that in the film, people are ideas. There is very little character development apart from the capabilities innate to characters (action, suicide, motion, dialogue). People should be allowed human sense, and their connections can become something we trace and wonder instead of mechanically account. In the final moments of the film, there is a line about a relationship between the woman who appeared briefly in the first sequence, and now lives on the island - and her lover .." Its just wild sex. Its easier to manage that way."

Sexo Y Lucia is a film taken from this realm of forms. Set in the Balaeric Islands against a beautiful landscape of sensuality - Sexo Y Lucia is a series of interplay between people, ideas, dog psychology and the stockholm syndrome. The vivid colors of Spanish culture weave the dialogue, scenes and concept of the film together to become a strange place where objects can become man or woman, and children can become mermaids and a dog can become the son of sam. And a hole can appear in the ground without warning, to take you away.
