How to play in the dirt without getting hurt

There was a really gnarly storm just south of us. The lightning was cloud to cloud. Andrew is a good friend. He's full-on orthodox catholic and doesn't really get out much. Thats him with the bike rack fairly ripping up the course. We had a blast. Didn't get too dirty though but theres something about when I do stuff with Andrew that makes me get it right on the first try . Our average conversation length is like, 10 words. He's a good friend. I'm glad he chose to go to Tech and Not MIT. btw if you shout hey boy hey girl, when you pass. would that make it a pass phrase?

marathon t shirt complete with secret message

The track works great; it sharpens you up, and gets you ready for a bit of the ole X Terra. This short track will knock parts off your bike that are not secured. Last week I blew off a pedal landing the third jump ( about 10 feet ). Lately my seat has been getting broken loose and I can't figure out why because I'm rarely on it through the course. Sometimes I have to just stare at things until I finally get the picture. .. stegonography and jpegs go together like amber and DNA
