I have a nonprofit that I have been procrastinating to get off the ground - which I will not name here . Today, however, I found a great model for what I want the website to look like (as long as I get to delete the color pink from it). It's also the name of an interesting charity - with a simple mission statement. The name of the charity is Girls, Inc. and their website is here. What I like about the site layout - and also to be honest, the mission statement and focus of the charity - is the clear direction (a simple, one line idea - to make girls strong, smart, and bold) - its resources and interactivity (take for example, this quiz and see if you pass), and finally the action and ecommerce angles (buy a Tshirt, make a donation, and easily join in any action that is aligned with the nonprofit's goal). The focus of my charity will be distance learning, focussed to defeating child labor around the world and in India in particular, where a huge number of child labourer...