Poem 27
Duct tape has so many uses its so strong flexible We can bind a camera to the handlebars of our bike We can tape the cover of a trampoline Someone once asked the question How is duct tape like 'the force'? to which they answered you have a light side, you have a dark side and you bind the universe together Someone once told me I have a lyric command of the english language I vowed then and there, that I would write a poem about duct tape And as I penned these final lines the wind whipped through the trees the rain came down in sheets And I finally retired my pirates of the carribean magic eight ball You know, the one with the head of a skeleton The one that I got at McDonald's About three years ago Yes. I gave it a proper burial I just chucked into the trash. Magic and all. I stopped writing this poem, and took a drink of water And wondered.. Can anyone really write a poem about duct tape? I remembered you could make a wallet out of duc...